Some tips and advice from our experts, useful for the daily care of your
feet, if you want to avoid future problems,
Remember, Better Safe Than Sorry.
1- Wash your feet daily.
Maintain good foot
hygiene is essential to prevent infection. Be sure to wash the ankles, plants, fingernails and between fingers.
2- Dry your feet after washing.
Above all it is important to dry the spaces between the fingers, excessive moisture and heat support the growth of various fungi and bacteria.
3- Apply a regular foot deodorant.
The role of special foot deodorants prevent excessive sweating
4- Keep your skin well hydrated.
The heel area of the foot is most needed
hydration. To prevent cracking, apply the appropriate moisturizer according to your skin condition.
5- Socks uses natural fabrics.
Cotton is the best material, you should avoid synthetic fibers
6- The way to cut your nails.
The toenails should be straight-square. It is advisable to clean.
7- Do not share tools for cutting nails or skin.
Especially in case of possible pathologies nail. Do not share, even with other family members, they could transmit diseases.
8- Use comfortable shoes, flexible and suitable to your foot width.
The materials preferably should be natural. Avoid too high heels (maximum 2-4 cm)
9- Do not walk barefoot in public showers.
Could contagiarte of infections like athlete's foot and warts. Protect your feet with sneakers or boots appropriate rubber.
10- Periodically check your orthosis treatment.
Whether silicone insoles, orthotics and prosthetics, remember to periodic review. The materials shall faint and fail the objectives set by the podiatrist.