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Keep Your Teeth White

To keep your teeth white and not turn yellow again ...

beauty tips , ,makeup , skin care
Do not drink things that can stain your teeth, such as black soda, cola, red wine, coffee, tea, cranberry juice, just remember that anything that can stain a white shirt, you can also stain your teeth.
Avoid acidic foods or beverages such as sodas, snacks and sugar filled candies, flavored waters and sports drinks that will make your teeth more easily become yellowish, due to erosional white enamel of your teeth. But if you need to consume these foods acids and / or these drinks that might stain your teeth, so ...

Use a straw or straw to prevent these make much contact with your teeth.

After you've eaten / drunk these acidic foods - wait for at least 30 minutes, then brush your teeth to prevent staining and damage to the white enamel of your teeth as well ... 

You can eat protein foods like cheese, chicken or other meats, nuts or milk with these foods that stain your teeth, so you can neutralize the acids that might make your teeth are yellow.


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